Letters and News
Praise Be!-(Thanks!)

Letter from America
This letter is from Kathleen, who, out of the kindness of her heart, also ordered a Book for
Alena who runs a YouTube channel 'Coloring with Alena' from Kyiv in the Ukraine. I added a complimentary poster to the order and dispatched both, never imagining that the destination would become a war zone within a few short weeks..
I want to thank you for the Coloring book, postcards and print. Over the years I have had at least 700 to a 1000 coloring books. I have donated most as I was not inspired by them.
Your book is by far the nicest, best quality, most clever coloring book I have ever held in my hands!
I was so impressed by the packaging as well.
Your artwork and imagination is unbelievable!
I have been coloring non stop since it arrived.
I will be back for another book soon as well as a poster. I am trying to decide which I like best!
I am going to start on my Potter’s Road poster soon. 😊
I meant to also say I think you should raise your prices. I would not bat an eye at paying $100 for your book. Especially when you sign them!
Many colorists purchase books from Japan but I have been very disappointed in the quality of many of the books I have purchased from overseas. Three books can be over $100.00 not including shipping but I would rather spend the same money for one of your books . . . quality vs. quantity! Your book is exceptional in both content and quality! And the story of Wildergorn is enchanting!
Dear Kathleen!
Thank YOU!!!
That is the loveliest and most heartwarming praise to receive for the Book. So much so I’m going to make a print out for my studio wall! Pricing is tricky: mainly because I find it very difficult to put a value on my own work! The balancing point is somewhere between making a living and keeping Wildergorn affordable! It's very helpful to have some outside perspective!
Thanks Kathleen.
Warmest regards
I hope Alena's OK.
Letter from Norway
Dear Jamie
- I just wanted to send you a great THANK YOU for the wonderful book you have created. Everything; from the great care you took in personalizing the handling of the order and emails and even translating to my language, to the careful packaging, made just receiving your book into an experience in it self.
Wildergorn brings out the imaginative kid in me :-) I have barely dared to start coloring in it yet, but I can look at the pages for hours, diving into this wondrous world and all its details.
Me and my husband are both coloring enthusiasts and coloring your book will be a shared activity - though it will probably take years until we finish it :-)
Take care and may all your travels be safe and free of Dark Hats
Best Regards
Susanne & Kurt
P.S Your translation was Excellent :-)
Dear Jamie
- I just wanted to send you a great THANK YOU for the wonderful book you have created. Everything; from the great care you took in personalizing the handling of the order and emails and even translating to my language, to the careful packaging, made just receiving your book into an experience in it self.
Wildergorn brings out the imaginative kid in me :-) I have barely dared to start coloring in it yet, but I can look at the pages for hours, diving into this wondrous world and all its details.
Me and my husband are both coloring enthusiasts and coloring your book will be a shared activity - though it will probably take years until we finish it :-)
Take care and may all your travels be safe and free of Dark Hats
Best Regards
Susanne & Kurt
P.S Your translation was Excellent :-)
Dear Susanne
Thank YOU!
I’m basking like a happy seal in the warm sea of your compliments. With your permission i would love to post your message on the our website.
I’m the world’s worst publicist (I’d much rather be exploring and drawing) and I'm certain your inspirational comments will attract many others to have a closer look at Wildergorn.
Please don’t hesitate to travel right round Norway and show the book to everybody there.

I am very, very wary of Dark Hats - This unfortunate man was a simple fisherman before he was possessed by the Dark Hat, Mange Lagloom. (the very same hat that I had the misfortune to meet some while later). In no time at all he was on his way to becoming the ruler of Skark Island!

Warmest regards to you and Kurt.
Many thanks again,

Dear Jamie,
I've only just received your gorgeous Book of Wildergorn after it had been held a couple of days at customs. But now finally it is here and I can set out on my expedition!! Hooray!! I want to thank you so much for this opportunity and the kind, beautiful and generous freebies you sent along! Unwrapping the lovely package felt like Christmas and birthday at the same time. I felt like a child! I can't believe you took the time to address and sign everything personally! Now I can't wait to get started with colouring. Again I'd like to say Thank you for sharing your creative genius, and the miraculous worlds you've created and designed so warm-heartedly! The world could use a lot more of this kindness and bounteousness,
Kind regards
Letter from Germany
Dearest Steffi!
What a beautiful message! Thank you so much for your uplifting compliments.
I do take a great deal of attention sending out the drawings from Wildergorn because of course they are personal to me. I’m so glad you received your book safely after the delay and it’s so lovely to hear that you enjoyed the spirit of care included within!
The very best of wishes for your journeys through Wildergorn and I look forward to meeting you there!
Many thanks again!
Warmest regards,
Keep safe!

Read all about it!

Fame in Spokane!
The therapeutic benefits of colouring in the World of Wildergorn have been put to the test over the last year or more! The posters (and now the book) have always been a place to stretch imagination and creative wings but now, more than ever, they've proven their worth as a relief from stress, anxiety, boredom and sometimes even pain - see Laura Taylor's review at the foot of this page.
I'm thrilled that Wildergorn has been featured in the article below by Cindy Hval in the Spokesman-Review, USA. Jerry Uppinghouse is a long-time explorer of Wildergorn and has by now spent nearly as much time there as me! So, many thanks to Jerry, Cindy and The Spokesman -Review and if you want to swing by and see what's going on in Spokane right now - take a look right here at the best local newspaper in Washington, possibly in the world!: https://www.spokesman.com (they do ask for a subscription)
See the full size article here (recommended): Color him happy

Review for The Book of Wildergorn
Laura Taylor is one of the greatest friends and advocates of Wildergorn. Here's what she had to say upon receiving her first edition copy of The Book of Wildergorn. My ears have turned pink with praise, perhaps forever, but Laura does completely capture the essence of how transporting and helpful the world of Wildergorn has been for her.
Thank you so much Laura - I'm deeply moved!
I honestly do not even know where to begin with the praise I want to shower upon you!! I finally was able to go home for a week (hospital preop stuff for my knee, finally!) and was delighted to see the package you sent. I love the address label so much I cut it off the box to keep!
The presentation that awaited me was beyond amazing and wonderful!! The beautiful wrapping, the ribbon, it felt like so much care and love was put into it. I felt (and feel still) so special. I tried to unwrap with care, but my inner child could not take the suspense. I ripped it open and my jaw literally dropped.
All your hard work and your love for Wildergorn was so apparent. The book is AMAZING . . INCREDIBLE . . SPECTACULAR . . FANTASTIC . . and BEAUTIFUL!!!
The stories transported me to your wonderful world of Wildergorn. I loved being told the stories of the pictures that you have lovingly and painstakingly drawn for all of us to enjoy. I close my eyes and the scenes play out in my head, that in itself is a most tremendous gift that you have given me. The card stock is unbeatable! I am able to do my detail marker colours without having to worry that it will bleed through and ruin the other side of the page.
The size of the pages is so perfect that the details stand out instead of getting lost. The book binding and packaging are beautiful and the special note, the extra postcards and even the bookmark ribbon were all amazing to discover inside!
I love that I can take Wildergorn with me anywhere (hospital too)!! Your wonderful, amazing creation is hands down the best colouring book I have ever seen. You can feel the love that went into your book. I love it so much!!! Thank you so much for making me feel so special, it truly means the world to me. Thank you for sharing Wildergorn with me and the world!! Wildergorn has become a part of my life and is always in my thoughts.
You have given me an escape from my real world that is filled with lots of doctors and pain and for that you are my hero. I feel like I have a secret amazing world that is just mine (Even though I know Wildergorn belongs to everyone).
I have already told everyone I know that they desperately need to get one. I wish so much I had the words to express to you the emotions that Wildergorn gives me, they are amazing and mystical and magical and wonderful. Thank you so much for being who you are and doing what you do. You and your creations bring me a level of happiness and wonder that is indescribable!! Saying thank you seems so pitiful a response to the amazing wonderful world you have shared with me.
Thank you Jamie, thank you so very much!! Warmest regards and hugs,
Laura Taylor
p.s. I really need a Wildergorn shirt and a Bobol plush....*Big cheesy smile* just in case you ever wondered if they would sell..The answer is a big YES!! lol