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The Digidees
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The Listening Tower
Day and night the Gong Wizards man the Listening Tower, scanning the frequencies for incoming signals from the fourteen Gongs of Wildergorn. A striking Gong is a call for help or rescue, and as it sounds, then from the terraces of Astriel, the Gong Wizards fly out across the length and breadth of Wildergorn to answer the call.

The Terraces of Astriel
To relax between missions, the Gong Wizards spend much time nurturing their magic hats from seed to pod in the ancient aqueduct that winds around the base of the Listening Tower. Always keen to sharpen their powers of levitation, the Wizards are also partial to the mind-game of Ormball.

The Arn Wagon
These tall land-craft, are inhabited by the Arns, a quiet nomadic people. Towed by their beloved Mussags, the Arns carry news and goods on their lengthy trundling journeys around Wildergorn, on occasion drifting beyond the mountains into the Strangelands to return with many a mysterious tale to tell.

The Paddle Organ
Living peacefully by the Potters Road, the craftspeople make the pots for all of Wildergorn. In the foothills of Sool, the woodland creatures are drawn enchantedly from the trees to listen to the haunting sounds of the strange water-instruments which the Potters love to build and play.

The Gliders of Roon
Fashioned from the seeds of giant pod trees, Story-Beads are treasured throughout Wildergorn as a means of storing thought. Mind-pressed by the sender with messages the beads are then delivered, to be ‘read’ by their recipients. In the high city of Roon, the beads are carried in padded sacks and dropped off from dwelling to dwelling by glider.

Pellin Bridge
Day and night the Gong Wizards man the Listening Tower, scanning the frequencies for incoming signals from the fourteen Gongs of Wildergorn. A striking Gong is a call for help or rescue, and as it sounds, then from the terraces of Astriel, the Gong Wizards fly out across the length and breadth of Wildergorn to answer the call.

The Song of the Sarads
It is the work of the Sarads to refine into liquid essence the Pellin (or Moonfruit) which is known and valued throughout Wildergorn for its magically potent power . Whilst waiting for the Tower Miners to bring new barrows of Pellin to their windmills, the Sarads take great pleasure in playing their own sweet harmonious music.

The Boatmen of Yennat
Some days’ journey downstream lies the industrious town of Watergorn; at its heart, the Great Lock. A familiar sight to the passing boatmen of Yennat, who journey frequently from the Tower Mines to Strake and Sevist, Watergorn has long been regarded as one of the wonders of Wildergorn for nowhere else in the land can be seen such magnificent works of engineering skill.

The Ubinous Tree
The people of Watergorn are as playful as they are industrious. The Ubinous Helter Skelter tree is a testament not only to their capacity for engineering but for having fun. Great efforts are made to break the sliding speed record, currently held by Willimus Foyt, one of the town’s oldest inhabitants who, so says his wife: “really ought to have grown out of it by now”.

Pog-Log Tower
Since time immemorial, with hearts as jagged as the island on which they live, the sharp snouted Skarks are bent on bringing the inhabitants of the neighbouring island of Pogland under their ordered rule. From the Pog-Log tower, the Pogs keep watch for approaching forces, ready and eager for the next joyous battle for freedom.

The Skark Rafters
Ever determined to invade the neighbouring island of Pogland, the Skarks board their siege-rafts, driving them forward with poles across the shallow waters that lie between the islands, their terrifying battle cries sounding before them. Ever defeated, however, by the free-spirited Pogs, the Skarks' return journeys are inevitably more grumblingly subdued.

The Queel
The Cave Fishers use their tide-lifted huts as counterweights, skillfully controlling their brakes to draw the catch to surface. At low tide, riding the long-necked Queel or Sea-Dragons, the Traders arrive, moving from hut to hut to collect the giant Ribfish and then, as the Fishers rebait their hooks, the Traders, ribfish in tow, depart for the markets of Sevist.

The Air-Mules
On the estuary of the river Torr, where the tides rise to extraordinary heights, the Cave Fishers dwell in their huts suspended from the roofs of the giant caverns known as the Caves of Sevist. These gentle and ingenious people are rarely seen elsewhere in Wildergorn, flying only occasionally upriver on the backs of their air-mules to collect pellin and memory beads from Strake and Watergorn.

The Bobol-Cart
At home in Sool, the gravity-defying Bobols carry the people and their goods to and fro amongst the swaying Stalkhouses of their aerial city. Whilst they might look like balloons, it is said that if a Bobol is sitting on the ground it cannot be lifted, no matter how many people try. How such heavy creatures can fly so easily is a mystery to all but the Bobols themselves . . . who never give the matter a moment’s thought.

Hunting the Hoodfish
The Stalkhouse City of Sool is frequently attacked by the malevolent sorcerer, Grote, and his giant electric Strakken Stormfish. Only the youngest children of Sool, flying their faithful Bobols, are fast enough to fend off the Strakken’s lightning bolts and set flight to the gnashing Mudgeon Hoodfish.

The Galleons of Skray
For far away places story-beads are often transported by balloons in sky-caravans. In Sarad they are also collected by the Sembassi, the desert riders, on the backs of their fleet-footed Mallabys, and taken down the steep zigzag pathways to the desert floor there to rendezvous with the Galleons of Skray. As the great sand ships thunder past without slowing, the bead-sacks are scooped up by the hooped nets of the Galleon Catchers.
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